Sunday, September 6, 2009

A weekend & 254 photos to Blog about
I have a loooot to blog about and no time to do it.
I feel like I'm going to be up all night updating this thing.
Before I forget, I met some primitos today! Some little cousins! One was Kevin and he was about 10 years old maybe, and Liset could've been 6 or so. I'm really bad with ages but they were little and adorable. She was sooo shy! Her aunt kept trying to get her to speak in English becuase she's learning it at her school down here, but she was way too shy.

Lets start from Thursday.
I didn't have morning class, so I didn't have to go to campus till 12. At 12 we had class with Omar, my host mom's brother who is also the Chilean director. I know I'm going to loooove his class. I have so far, these past two weeks I've had him. In his class we talk about the Chilean accent, Chilean way of life, and just any random interesting thing about Chile that comes up! He's so knowledgeable about Chile and the differences there are between Chile and America and its just so damn fascinating I don't know where 2 hours go. I wish all my classes were like Omar's.

Well after his class I think I hung out on campus for a while and then went home for a bit before heading to Hayley's to work on that ridiculously long difficult article we were assigned for Ostria's class. Hours later we had managed to decipher about 4 of the 8 pages we were assigned and it was PAINFUL. We'd have to read the sentance...translate the words we didnt know, look up half those words in an online ENGLISH dictionary, and then read the sentance again to get the gist of it, and finally put all the sentances in the paragraph together to try and figure out the main point. Yeah. Ouch.
Jess came over and we were kinda sorta supposed to work on it but we all chit-chatted and putzed on our computers instead. She left, and Hayley and I ended up staying up all night packing and watching Youtube videos. Damn Youtube.

Well we got up at 7ish... more like, I got up at 7ish and Hayley stayed in bed till about 7:50. We ate some desayuno, packed up the car and hit the road.
Pretty much as soon as the sun was on our faces in the back of the car, Hayley and I slept like guaguas.

2 and a half hours later we woke up on quite the bumpy driveway to my family's cabin outside of Chillán. We unload our crap and AnaMaria, Hayley's host mom, cooks this massive almuerzo that we eat around 11:30. Next we pack our swimsuits and head over to las termas de Chillán, aka, NATURAL HOTSPRINGS FROM A VOLCANO.
Froze our BUTTS off climbing up to a building where we could change, that had NO heat. Walked, barefoot, through some snow back down to the termas, and climbed in the super dirty water.
Everything was sooo worth it.
Hayley and I sat and chatted in those termas for a long time. Made some friends for the day too. One guy we met had traveled to California, Hawaii, Peru, and all sorts of other countries in order to surf. Told us the best place to surf was on Chile's coast. But we're not really sure if he was just being proud of his country or not :P
We think we saw a Russian couple on their honey moon. I wish we would've talked to them. They didn't hang out in our terma very long, though.

Cheryl had been skiing all day with her host family and she joined up with Hayley and I to stay at my family's cabin because she didn't want to go home. We had once and watched a fantastic movie on friday night called "Has visto el Jardin?" But I don't think that was the title. It was in English so I'm sure I can find it somewhere.
Anyway after Andres and AnaMaria went to bed we raided the kitchen, it was fantastic. Miel (honey) is my new favorite food to put in my tea and to eat with crackers.
When we made some jelly (marmalada) sandwiches, I was reminded of a Dane Cook routine and ended up mixing up the words and said "Gimmie the twat, you jelly!" and then Cheryl messed it up later saying "Gimmie some waffles you twat!" Man, we fell laughing on that kitchen floor many-a-times.
We played some UNO too, a game I hadn't played in years.
That night, and Saturday night as well, the three of us shared a bed to preserve warmth. It was the best idea ever. It was SOOO cold at night!

Saturday morning we got up, packed up stuff for skiing and termas just in case, and drove up to the mountain top. Skiing endup being way more expensive than we thought so we decided to hike up behind las termas for a while. It was AMAZING. Only my facebook pictures can half justify the sweet views we saw from the top of a smaller peak. Beautiful!
We climbed down the mini-mountain to drive further up with Hayley's parents. We ended up just hopping in las termas again, it was soo nice.

The last night at the cabin we watched "Como perder un hombre en diez dias" one of my FAVORITE movies in English (How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days). It was badly dubbed, however. After that Hayley taught us how to play this sweeeeet game called Phase 10 and I think I'm going to have to buy it soon.

On the way home on Sunday we stopped in the actual city of Chillán to shop and walk around. It was sooo cute! I bought a cute scarf at one of the vendors for 1000 pesos. Thats super cheap (less than 2 dollars) but Hayley's dad told me I should have bartered. I knew that, I just would like to be a little bit more confident in my Spanish before I try to argue prices.
Before Chillán we also stopped at some cuervas (caves) and Andres told us a story that cow thieves used to hide there, years and years ago... it was hard to pay attention to him because the sights were so beautiful.

Hayley's host mom and dad drove me a little crazy sometimes, but they're so cute. Andres, the dad, is just in love with everything. Anything you mention he says "Oh me enCANta (fill in the blank"). And they both always say "Aaaaaaaaaaaah ya." LOVE IT. He'd always be helping her and holding her hand because she recently had shoulder surgery. AnaMaria would almost never understand what we said the first time but she just wanted everyone to be comfortable so she tried her hardest. We'd say like "Oh today we want to hike instead of the termas" and the next thing she'd say is "You know, you can hike instead if you don't want to sit in the termas." haha oh she's lovely though.

My host mommy was very sick when I came home today :(
It was a problem with her heart and half her family was over so I was pretty nervous. I guess she's been kind of sick all weekend and she thinks she'll get better tomorrow. I hope so.

I really missed my host family while I was gone! And my computer a little bit too, since its my only window to the American/familiar world.

Tomorrow I have class with Luz at 10 and Ostria at 11. Not excited. Need sleep.
I wish I could remember more to blog about it. FML.

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