Leaving Buenos Aires was quite sad, I really fell in love with the place. More so than Chile. Like I mentioned earlier, we had huge problems leaving the country because none of us had our Chilean ID cards. Well, I was the only one who had problems getting back INto the country. It was ridiculous, I told the guy I didnt have my cédula card and he said "Well, how am I supposed to let you pass?" I explained to him that the three girls waiting on the other side for me didn't have theirs either but he didn't care. I just sat there till he stamped my stuff and let me pass with a gruff scoff.
Well the Monday we get back, we find out that since last Friday, students from certain departments on campus have been on strike and protesting. Therefore, students have TAKEN certain buildings. Literally, there are student-made signs that say "en toma."
Tuesday night I slept horribly and Wednesday night I paid for it. I told my host parents at 6 that I would wake up at 8 and eat own-say with them. Well, I woke up and thought to myself "wow, its fairly light out for 8pm." Then I looked at my phone and saw that it was 6:30... IN THE MORNING.
Thursday the first of October I went out with a buncha gringos, but I ended up getting really sick really early, so I went home. The day before, Alison and I decided we were going to embark on a random journey to Santiago. My mom took us to the bus stop on Friday morning and we took of on a bus at 12:30. We get there, and have NO IDEA what to do. I call my friend Sean and he tells us what we need to do. We hit up the metro with our bip! cards and make it to his appartment. We decided to just spend the night there since we had a place to stay cause his roommate was gone. He was a sweet view of Santiago, it was pretty incredible. I loved the name of his barrio: Ñuñoa.
Saturday we woke up so early and took off to explore the city. First thing we did was climb San Cristóbal to explore the Zoo and then to take a cable car all the way up to the top to see a giant statue of the virgin Mary. The whole reason that statue and a make-shift church is up there is because it was made for the pope when he visited Santiago years ago.
Sean met up with us a while later and took us to another famous hill in Santiago que se llama Santa Lusia and it was from the 1500s if I remember correctly. See facebook pictures as usual!
After that we found our hostel, RIGHT on the famous Plaza de Armas de Santiago. It was sooo beautiful! The plaza and the view out our window! There is a really old church there that is right next to a very modern building there and it just looked so beautiful. I wish I had better words to describe it.
Took a bus home Sunday afternoon and my mommy picked us up from the station.
Monday the 5th, we had a new professor in our Literature class and he was AWESOME. His name is José Rodriguez and I think I laughed the entire class period. He was also very smart and a great speaker.
That night I went to Cheryl's to watch the Packer/Viking game (which went HORRIBLY).
Oh I forgot to mention there is a hole in the o-zone layer here.
AND I also forgot to mention almost getting mugged when we were looking at the obilisk in Buenos Aires. Some guys came up behind us and saw us taking pictures. One of them started bugging Cheryl to take her camera. Eventually Cheryl shouted "NO!" And thats when the rest of us noticed what was going on, he had his hand on her purse! We yelled "No!" and booked it across the street. Cheryl was pretty shaken and this was before the Fantasma de la Opera show so we were all dressed up.
The 6th of October I did some work-study stuff for Luz, basically doing her job for her.
During a break Karl and I bought this NASTY veggetable of the street: BAD IDEA.
The 7th a bunch of us met these two 20 year old guys from Germany on the street. Johan came up to us and said "Americans?!" and we talked for a bit. Him and Ian met us at Go! and Tercer Tiempo that night for some drinks and they were so excited to find people who could speak English (their English is better than their Spanish).
THURSDAY the 8th I booked tickets to Cusco, Peru to go to Macchu Picchu!
Today has been super lazy but I really needed it.
Soon I need to stop eating and work out more.
The end.
I'm FINALLY caught up with my blog! :)
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