Yesterday was so hard. I was crying from the moment I woke up until now minus a few hours.
I woke up and hopped on a micro for my last trip to the university as a favor for my host uncle. I got interviewed and I'm going to be in El Diario Concepción on Saturday! The author and photographer are going to send me the pics and article. They were doing a general piece on students who studied abroad and needed some examples. I called Lindsay to join me as well for another student interview.
After that her and I ran around the artesanía on Freire street to get some last minute recuerdos and stuffs. She took a lot of videos and we literally ran around the town, and made fools of ourselves on the micros. We got off at the Vega Monumental to buy goodbye flowers for our hostfamily. I gave them that when I came home and shortly after that Cata came over for almuerzo because she was coming to the airport with us.
I was super sick at lunch, unfortunately, and wasn't able to eat anything. What sucked even more was I hadn't eaten anything all day by the time we got to the airport. I was feeling like, Perú sickness coming back.
My crying was in spurts, more than constant I suppose.
After almuerzo I closed up my bags and didn't bother weighing them, I knew they'd be more than heavy. Vlado and Wladimir took my bags down the tiny stairs for me. We loaded em up in my mom's little jeep and waited till the time to leave.
Saying goodbye to Vlado and Wladimir at the house wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be, it was harder since Sarita and Cata were at the airport. I'd cry in spurts when I thought about memories.
When I said goodbye to my family's casa I started crying,
my host mom was trying so hard to calm me down "Oh but Cati, its not a goodbye, its a see you later!"
Then at the airport, things were a little tense because Triana didn't know when or where she wanted a picture together and eventually some of us decided to pass through security without waiting for Triana.
I just keep imagining how much we're traveling! I mean I know we did it in August, but I keep coming accross maps and, wow, South South America back to North North America. Just this morning, erm, last night also, we flew over Chile, Peru, Colombia, Cuba, and Florida.
Anyway back to the airport;
We've all been pretty composed, except for Hayley. Its just so weird going back.... We're in Miami now, and of course there is still lots of Spanish here, but using US currency is a little unfamiliar and hearing personel speak to us in English has been interesting. Everytime we want something all of us ask in Spanish first. For example I went up to a worker and said "Dónde está una casa de cambios?" And she had to ask me if I spoke English, haha. I'm going to be proud of that moment, actually.
OH how could I forget to say this:
I was bringing home two bottles of wine for Zach and for my parents and I got it confiscated in Miami customs :(
My host family guarenteed me I could, but obviously, they wouldn't know US customs. Oh well! I was only mad because I was the only one that got shafted. Literally, EVERYONE else got to put it in someone else's bag and not get in trouble. Me, on the other hand, since I was the first one to go through, they had already been processing the paperwork before anyone over 21 passed through :(:(:(
Like I said, OH WELL! Ive got plenty other gifts for them.
But... I will miss Chile.
I have already skyped my host parents in Miami's airport.
Okay, time to find a casa de cambios and maybe some bfast. chao chao!
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