Saturday, July 18, 2009

Pre-Departure Spanish Practice... And Concerns

A large concern of mine at this very immediate moment, is that I remember that I created this blog so that I may utilize it when I am in Chile. Otherwise it would have been a waste of time to start this tonight.

The reason I did create this blog now, however, is the pressing issue of my need to study Spanish. I thought I'd jot down some thoughts in Espa
ñol if you don't mind.

Yo estoy muy preocupada sobre la viaje a Chile para mi experiencia de estudio en el extranjero. Yo creo que mi gramatica es muy malo, mi pronunciacion no es horrible, y mi habilidades de hablar pueden ser mejor.
¿Puedes creer que yo parto en menos de un mes? Yo tengo mucho miedo.
>>(I am very worried about my vacation to Chile for my study abroad experience. I believe that my grammar is bad, my pronunciation is horrible, and my talking skills could be better. Can you believe that I leave in less than a month? I am very scared.)<<

This has been helping me with my Present Subjunctive tense:
Lots of useful drills on this website for all verb tenses:
Now if only I could find a fantastic website that helped me practice all my vocabulary and all my verb tenses. Too bad. I guess I'm really going to whip out my old text books and even notes from high school spanish in order to prepare myself for death... I mean, in order to better prepare myself for the language I'll have to deal with in Chile.

Its funny that I haven't even finished unpacking from when I moved from St. Cloud back HOME in the beginning of May. Actually thats quite sad.

This will be all for now. Maybe I'll blog a little bit more before I leave, as I'm packing. I'd love to somehow record how everything feels and everything thats going on and this seems like a good way to do it.
Adios y Gracias por leer mi blog!
>>Thanks for reading! << Whoever you are.