Tuesday, August 25, 2009


So did I ever mention there are stray dogs running all over this city? Well, there are. And its really sad to see a bunch of shaking, cold, hungry puppies on the street. :'-(
They're all over campus and downtown. Its funny that they act like humans when they cross the street. Looking both ways and then crossing, haha.

It drives me crazy that all day I see things and want to remember to blog about them later and then I forget. Gah. Curse my terrible memoria.

My brother told me today that Chileans often add "-ito" to the end of words (its like, a diminutive ending). And because of this, other South American countries call Chile "Chileito" or something like that. haha its cute.

I'll talk a little more about my family.
My dad, Wladimir, is a guy people would consider weird. Its something Vlado asks me about all the time "Do you not like us? Are we too weird?" In all honesty, I wouldn't want Wladimir any other way, he is wonderful! Very loving and funny... reminds me of my Grandpa Bajczyk in a lot of ways. I've said before that 99% of Chilean humor is from sarcasm, and seriously, this guy is the KING. I've missed so many jokes becuase he'd say it, he'd have to repeat it, and then Vlado might have to translate, and by then the humor in the moment is gone. Soon I'll be able to catch on.
My mom, Sarita, is the BIGGEST sweetheart I've ever met! I would say she never gets angry, but most Chileans never get angry,haha. She'll do anything for me. She always asks me if I want rides somewhere or want ideas of places to go, or if theres any food I want in the house. She finds it weird I like to prepare my own food. Maybe the other gringas took advantage of her doing everything. I personally don't like much help! Ha, but she has helped me out greatly so far since I needed a lot of help this first week with getting to the university and knowing how to do things.
My brother, Vlado, is pretty cool! He's 25 but we're not that different. I was flattered to learn that he didn't invite the other gringas anywhere nor get along with them well, becuase me and him do! He's always saying "gineal" or maybe its "geneal" which means like "cool" except chileans dont really use it. (He uses it just to be different... sounds like something I like to do!)

I'm really glad I went to Chile. Everyone who wants to study Spanish wants to go to Spain. I'm not saying I went to Chile to spite everyone else, I'm saying I think I'm going to get a more personal experience from this. Of COURSE I want to get to Spain someday! And the rest of Europe for that matter! But I've got the rest of my life and I plan on traveling as much as possible, even if it means hitchhiking, haha. The funny thing is that so many people don't know where Chile is. See, I'm a geography freak, and if you don't know where Chile is, please go look at a map or I might laugh at you for a few weeks. Another funny thing is that nobody spells it right the first time either. They'll write Chili, like the food, or Chilly, like the cold feeling (okay so thats just you, Zach, hahaha).

The weather was a little better today! No rain and relatively warmer. Thank goodness!

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