Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I made it to class this morning on Micro 44 with Hayley, just about 15 minutes late because we got off too early.
It was really funny, the bus had some writings in the dust that said "lavame" which translates to "wash me" haahhaha Just like on dirty cars in America.

Well class with Luz was annoying as hell as always. We sat in a circle, like she always makes us do, and talked about our families. Turns out she's going to make us work hard in her class! We have to write a one page, single spaced, paper per week about cultural and racial differences. Its really complicated. We also have to write in a journal 5 times a week, 10 sentances each. We ALSO have a book for her class, wonder when she's going to whip that out!

Most importantly, I RODE THE MICRO 56 FOR THE FIRST TIME ALL ALONE! I was a little nervous, and it took like 30 minutes or so, but I made it most importantly, and I even had to converse with people on the bus and that surprisingly went well.

I'm not really sure what else I'm supposed to do today, but my family just made fun of me because I didn't want to eat a big lunch. Ha.
Tomorrow I have to get up at like, 6am to go to the police station with the rest of the gringos and register our visas. Great.

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