Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day Two. Already more comfortable than Day One.

So, I decided, I'm not going to type in Spanish in this blog. Its hard enough communicating EVERYthing in Spanish here in Chile.

Let me begin with the flights.
Well I got to the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport just in time in the morning. There were a couple other people who arrived after me, but we all made it with plenty of time before our flight. I made a couple of jokes about playing the name game while waiting at our gate, but it wasn't long before we knew everybody's names anyway!

So Minneapolis/St. Paul to Detroit was fine, I don't even remember how long the flight was, but we were all pretty alert. I was proud we were able to make it through that airport with a little time to wait before our plane to Miami left. That flight was kinda long.... 3 hours was it? I should have blogged about the flights earlier, becuase my poor memory is failing me.
Its Miami to Santiago that was the kicker.
8 plus hours. The best part: the airline. I thin I'm going to fly LAN-Chile from now on. They gave us SO much food, and our TVs had touch screens (something I didn't have on my flight to England about 5 years ago).
Well they served us dinner at 10 something (our flight left at 9:50 at night) and after I had had a few glasses of wine (I'm legal here!) I was out like a light. I didn't wake up again till breakfast and that was about an hour and a half away from Santiago de Chile! So I mst have slept for 5 or 6 hours.I know I kept waking up a lot though. I had an isle seat so ppl kept bumping into me and I had no space to curl up haha.

So, it really hit all of us when we landed in Santiago. Some officials were yelling at us that we were going to miss our flight! People were boarding already they told us, so they made us run thorough Santiago's airport like idiots! THEN when we get to our gate, it turns out our flight was pushed back about a half an hour, so we had to wait AGAIN.
Let me tell you, 6 airports in 2 days is too much for me.
Anyway, we land in Concepcion, grab our bags, exit security, and find ourselves alone and without phones.
Wht the hell do we do now? Our profe isn't here, our families aren't here. So we sat and waited.
All of a sudden I recognize my host brother walking toward me! (We exchanged pictures and facebooked).
So we did the typical Chilean greeting, a hug and kiss on a cheak ("Mucho gusto!") And All of a sudden I find myself and Trevor (another student on this trip) packed like sardines in this little car.

Allright I really want to get this posted so, TO BE CONINUED!
My host brother is going to take me out and show me how to use el micro and los collectivos in order to get to the university tomorrow.

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