Saturday, August 22, 2009

What another day... wow

Okay so yesterday was almost boring in comparison to today.
To finish up yesterday's story:
We ended up getting picked up by a friend of someone's host brother (don't worry, she'd met him multiple times and trusts him). We had to retrace ALL of our steps downtown, yes my legs still hurt today. Very much so.
So then we went home. Boom.
Then Karl called me and said he was picking me up in ten minutes.
Great. No time to rest.
He comes over with Trevor and Cheryl and all of a sudden there's a ton of people in the living room and we're all trying to communicate.
After we assure my parents that we know how to get home (since los micros y los collectivos stop running after 11 until 6am) we walk over to Adrian's new house. THEN we stop at a store on the way there for some beer and head over to Brenna's house. There, we share some cerveza with her and her host family and chat til the Discoteques open (midnight).
I was too tired so I went home, but I heard someone's wallet got stolen! Good thing he took out his plastics and other important stuff. He thinks it was a Chilean girl he was dancing with.
Well, I woke up not feeling too hot, which kinda sucked and I was pissed because I didn't have ANYthing practically. My host dad just told me that theres a higher alcohol content in the beer here.
After last night and how I feel this morning, I really have no desire to drink much here at all. I'd rather be fully concious of everything I'm doing for safety sake and so that I don't forget anything.
I'll just get to laugh at all the other gringos borrachos (drunk white people) and thats fine with me.

Moving on to today. Like I said, I am very sore. Probably from last night >:-( but I felt better as the day went on. So I was lazy, blogged some, took a shower, then went sight seeing with my host mom and dad! They took me to see a beach, a really long beach, somewhere outside of Conce. it was beautiful! I cannot wait to go there in the summer. AKA in December or so.

Funny story: We were driving in their car and I'm watching the spedometer, which by the way is in the middle of the dash, and I saw my dad was driving 120! And then I remembered its in kilometers per hour and not miles per hour haha.

Anyway, then they took me a bunch of other places like scenic outlooks.
OH before I forget, Christina said something hilarious yesterday! A bunch of pidgeons were in our way and she goes "I just want to KICK a pidgeon!"

Okay so when it comes to what I did today, it would be easier if you just saw the Facebook pictures. I'm so mad because all day when we were driving around Conce I thought about all the things I wanted to remember to put in my blog and now they're flooding out of my head.

I saw a very very poor part of Conce today. Lost of shacks and stray dogs running around. Oh and we also walked out on this pier, which was FREEEZING by the way, and watched some people take their catch off the boats and onto the dock.
My host dad kept trying to tell me he wanted me to see "las focas" and since I didn't know that word, he kept trying to explain it to me, but failing. The rest of the day, he kept struggling to tell me what they were. We finally looked it up at dinner and it meant sealions! He said someday he'd take me to see them!

I have to get used to the sarcasm. Chileans are VERY sarcastic. Most if not all of their jokes and humor come from satiristical stories or comments. Its tricky to catch cuz we have to ask them to repeat what they say over and over! haha.

As I write this, I'm supposed to be taking a siesta because when Vlado gets home from work we're going to a compleanos and then a discoteque afterward with some of his friends. He's very trustworthy and knows how to have a good time so I"m super excited! However I'm exhausted so I need to rest before going out. Chileans know how to party, they start after 9 or 10 at night and go toda la noche!

This will be all for now. I think I'm going to keep a small notepad with me from now on to write down things that happen in order for me to blog about them later.

Hasta luego!

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