Friday, August 28, 2009

Nothings ever boring here.

So I kinda had a lazy morning. Didn't want to get out of bed, mostly because I didn't sleep well.
Here's what happened last night.
I felt super weird. I still do. But last night I felt physically and emotionally off. I started looking around my room at all the things in Spanish, all the foreign outlet plugs, foreign objects in general, my suitcases, etc. I checked Facebook and noticed my mom uploaded a bunch of old and recent photos of the family and outings we went on. It didn't make me miss home, but they certainly made me super sad. I sat in my bed thinking for a while and I FINALLY cried it out! I knew it was going to happen eventually since I am the most emotional person on the face of the earth, but I can't believe it took so long. I finally cried about leaving the states and being in this strange place and missing my friends and being so lost here.
I realized that it FINALLY hit me I was in Chile. After almost 2 weeks I realize I'm in Concepcion, Chile, South America. Ha.

Well after I got that out of my system, I had to run out of the house becuase if I didn't I woulda been bumming all night. So I threw on some skinny jeans and a nice shirt and headed over to Hayleys because she's closest to me. I waited for her to get ready and eventually we walked over to Trevors, who practically lives right behind my house.
The plan was to pregame there with everybody and then take a micro to el centro (downtown) and hang out at a bar they like.
Well everyone ended up staying at Trevors all night, but Hayley and I both needed to catch up on sleep and see the market this morning, so we left around 1.
I had some cerveza, but I don't know how I stomached it. I felt really icky, still kinda do, I think the food is getting to me finally as well. I have to remember there is a lot more alcohol in the beer here. I think I'm sticking to sipping wine from now on, like I blogged earlier, I don't feel comfortable getting wasted here.
Funny story: last night it wasnt all gringos, some peoples host brothers and sisters joined us as well. We were teaching each other naughty words in each other's languages, haha, how mature we are.
Well one of the chileans kept asking Sonni, who was pretty borracha, whether she liked pisco, a chilean/peruvian hard alcohol. The conversation went "Sonni, te gusta pisco??" and she'd say "CHUPALO!" Which means "SUCK IT!" The chileans would roll on the floor laughing they thought that was so funny, haha. I remember last night when I heard that everyone made fun of me for getting out a piece of paper to write it down.
We also listened to Juanes and Mana. Twas pretty fun in general, just nothing super exciting.

Well I slept horribly, possibly from the realization I had earlier yesterday, and I woke up super early. It was okay though, I watched some futbol games on TV and tried to learn some vocabulary from a Chilean telenovela.
After a while I called Jess and me, her, Hayley, and Lindsay all went to an open air market thats like walking distance from our barrio (neighborhood).

There were fruits and strange fruits and veggies and pigs feet and super fresh whole crabs and smelly FISH just about everywhere. There were also cositas like clothes and watches, it was just a huuuge market with a ton of random things. It would have been like a farmers market, but it was half outside and you could buy just about ANYthing there.
When we were walking past a fish place a guy came up to us and started talking to Jess. He was wearing really dirty and ripped clothes and I'm pretty sure he was missing a bunch of teeth. At first it was okay but we quickly realized he didn't have all his marbles. I was severely freaked out and so were the rest of us. He kept grabbing Jess's arm and we kept saying, no we don't need what you're selling go away, we're fine. He followed us around for a few minutes until I finally said firmly "Necasitamos ir ahora, lo siento, adios" and we booked it across the market.
Another thing that pissed me off was that EVERY SINGLE PERSON STARED AT US. A lot of the men whistled. It was the MOST annoying thing of my entire life. At one point I turned to Hayley and said "The next chileno that whistles at us I'm going to punch in the face."
I forgot my camera, unfortunately, but I'm sure I'll go back there. After I buy an invisibility cloak. Either that or dye my hair black.

I came home and ate pastel de papas (this potatoe dish, thing?) with kinda mashed potatoes and there was meat and eggs on the bottom. Was delicioso. Whenever I have to eat alone because I wasn't home for lunch my mom will make some tea and sit and drink it with me so I'm not all alone. I love her so much already. She's always SO happy! Even when she gets annoyed with Wladimir or Vlado she is still laughing. We talked about our views on life one day; we're so similar. We both agree that the most important thing in life is being happy and can't understand why people are okay with being angry or holding grudges all the time. She told me today she'd take me to the market when she needs more fruit because she thinks since I'll be with her, the chileans won't bug me as much.

I really need to find my glasses, I know I packed them SOMEwhere. Its difficult to see a lot of the boards and computer screens in class. Oh and I also need to get to all my homework thats due next week already. Shit. I have a shit ton of writing in spanish to do.

As I wrote this I was supposed to be taking a siesta considering I might be out all night (those crazy chilenos and their discotheques). Chao for now.

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